So, if you accept the theory that there are five stages of grief, I have definitely moved into Stage Two.
1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
Even if you are of the school of thought that declares there are seven stages of grief, I'm still in Stage Two.
1. acceptance
2. anger
3. denial
4. depression
5. fear
6. guilt
7. shock
Seems like this second list is backwards.
1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
Even if you are of the school of thought that declares there are seven stages of grief, I'm still in Stage Two.
1. acceptance
2. anger
3. denial
4. depression
5. fear
6. guilt
7. shock
Seems like this second list is backwards.
I'm not sure I'm firmly rooted in any of those statges.
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