Monday, August 06, 2007

Border Crossings

The blog has been in a coma for a while.

I survived the intensive reading of the summer. Now I'm in Canada for 24 hours. My friend Kim got married yesterday. Photos from the wedding to come later...

This afternoon I'm crossing the border back into the US and flying to New Orleans. For the next two and a half weeks my parents and I will be painting the inside of their house.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer,
Give me a call at my mom's house when you get back. Jeff's dad had to have triple bypass surgery yesterday at West Jeff, so we've been at the hospital for the past few days. He's on the road to recovery now. I'll be staying with the kids through Aug. 15. Jeff's leaving Aug. 10 to go back to work if things continue to improve with his dad. Really want to see you while we're here. Love, Laura

August 07, 2007 2:12 PM  

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