Sunday, March 29, 2009


This time next week I'm going to be sitting in the airport, waiting to take a plane for the first leg of a journey full of planes, buses, and ferries to Northern Africa.

I'm ready to GO! Except for the unfinished thesis. That might be a problem.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is not photoshopped...


I was thinking about it and I don't know that there are any well-known people I've ever asked to have a photo with. Heather B. Armstrong may be the first.

Somewhere there may exist a picture of me and friends with the Gypsy Kings at breakfast one crazy weekend in Japan. But if there is, I never got a copy.

Heather's brand new book, It Sucked and Then I Cried, had me laughing out-loud before her book reading even started. Wish I could be finishing the book right now instead of writing an age study about 6th graders.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Public Service Annoucement

Very exciting!! Pass the news along to any New Orleans public school teachers you know.

Or, check out the projects and find something to fund. Your money will go twice as far!

DonorsChoose currently has a Double Your Impact grant for proposals from teachers at New Orleans public elementary schools (K-8). This means that if your project costs $300, when someone donates $150, the project is completely funded because of the matching grant. Five proposals have already been funded through the DYI grant.

High school DonorsChoose projects may be eligible for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation DYI, if the resources you request will help prepare your students for college.

According to the DonorsChoose web site, 80% of all projects under $400 have been funded. Since 2000, donors have contributed over $30,000,000.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Internet Hoohah - Gov. Jindal vs. Kenneth the NBC Page

Too funny.

Oy, Louisiana. Sometimes it's hard to love you.