Rain Rain Go Away
New York, NY
The carbon monoxide detector has been purchased and even has a battery installed. No more worries.
This afternoon I paid a visit to B&H Photo. It's the first time I've been there since their Super Store opened. It was overwhelming. The building is what I imagine Santa's Workshop would feel like if all Santa made for good little boys and girls was photographic equipment and if all his elves were male Orthodox Jews.
The cashier I went to was incredibly sweet. It's one of those places where they ask your zip code. When he realized I was from New Orleans he became really concerned about how the city was doing. I said progress was being made, houses are being bulldozed, forgetting that progress in local terms might sound horrifying to someone who doesn't know the full context into which that information fits. Buildings that have become breeding grounds for rats, maggots, and mold are getting bulldozed. In that context, "Hurray for bulldozing?"
It's such a complex situation. There is no easy explanation to how the city is doing, at least not an easy enough one for a New York checkout line. This stranger's genuine concern was touching, especially since he took a whole lot longer than a New York minute to try to get an answer.
Anyway, I bought a monopod that's small and light enough to fit in my purse. It replaces the bigger, clunkier one that dies in Europe. I used it to steady the camera enough to take this photo of the Empire State Building touching the clouds.
The carbon monoxide detector has been purchased and even has a battery installed. No more worries.
This afternoon I paid a visit to B&H Photo. It's the first time I've been there since their Super Store opened. It was overwhelming. The building is what I imagine Santa's Workshop would feel like if all Santa made for good little boys and girls was photographic equipment and if all his elves were male Orthodox Jews.
The cashier I went to was incredibly sweet. It's one of those places where they ask your zip code. When he realized I was from New Orleans he became really concerned about how the city was doing. I said progress was being made, houses are being bulldozed, forgetting that progress in local terms might sound horrifying to someone who doesn't know the full context into which that information fits. Buildings that have become breeding grounds for rats, maggots, and mold are getting bulldozed. In that context, "Hurray for bulldozing?"
It's such a complex situation. There is no easy explanation to how the city is doing, at least not an easy enough one for a New York checkout line. This stranger's genuine concern was touching, especially since he took a whole lot longer than a New York minute to try to get an answer.
Anyway, I bought a monopod that's small and light enough to fit in my purse. It replaces the bigger, clunkier one that dies in Europe. I used it to steady the camera enough to take this photo of the Empire State Building touching the clouds.

I'm trying to visit as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can and I thought I'd say hi, I liked your blog.. :) Nice pic. And yay for a purse size monopod, mine's huge.. ;)
Thanks for visiting. Good luck with the photo-a-day project on one of your blogs. Ambitious...
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