Thursday, July 24, 2008


My family has had some sad news. I'm going to hold off writing about it until we've talked directly to more family and friends.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Taking it all in

This is my last day in the UK. Later this morning I'll fly to Dublin and spend one final night there before returning to New York tomorrow.

These past couple of weeks have been fantastic. I've jokingly called this the "wedding and baby tour," but really one of the best parts of this trip has been reconnecting with old friends and getting to know the people who have come into their lives in the years since we last saw one another.

I've been taking photos throughout the trip and my goal (hold me to it!!) is to post a photo essay. By Saturday. Please give me a hard time if I don't do it by the self-imposed deadline. I need the pressure.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Greetings from Dingle.

Everytime I see the word Dingle, it makes me want to shout DINGLEBERRY. I haven't done it, but it's an impulse that I have to fight to get control over. There's no good reason for the impulse. Dingleberries are the bits of poo that stick to the wool on a sheep's behind so shouting dingleberry would be fairly inappropriate behavior.

There are a lot of sheep around though, so I could possibly be excused for making loud factual observations.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Green GREEN Green

It's mighty green here in Ireland. Except when it's grey. Grey is underrated. Grey voluminous clouds and hundreds of miles of grey stone fences are mesmerizing.

Thanks to Ellen, I had an amazing first couple of days that included a barn dance. She is the best hostess, taking me inside a tomb older than the pyramids. She even got me to the airport in time to meet my parents to start my stint as the official driver on the left side of the road. So far, no accidents.

This morning we rode bikes around on of the Aran Islands. I've been wanted to visit the island for 16 years, ever since a documentary film professor screened Man of Aran the first day of class. Today was the day to wander among stone walls and feel the roiling of the ocean currents in a tossing boat.

It's great.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Crossing the Big Pond

Been internet slacking. I'm headed to Ireland and the UK. Right now. One shoe off, one shoe on. Should have been out the door 30 minutes ago.